Collagen Crosslinking with Riboflavin has been
proven to not only stabilize the vision loss in
patients with keratoconus and Keratoectasia but
essentially stop it.
Dr Virendra Laser, Phaco Surgery Centre offers you
cross linking of the cornea which is a new curative
approach to increase the mechanical stability of
corneal tissue. The aim of this treatment is to
create addional chemical bonds inside the corneal
stroma by means of a highly localized photo
The indications or cross linking today are corneal
actasia disorders, such as keratoconus and pellucid
marginal degeneration, iatrogonic keratectasia after
refractive lamellar surgery and corneal melting that
is not responding to conventional therapy.
The cornea takes a conical shape, and produces
astigmatism due to which the rays of light cannot be
focused properly, resulting in deterioration of the
quality of vision. In the early stage of keratoconus,
vision can often be improved using cylindrical
correction in the glasses. However, in later stages
most patients require rigid gas permeable lenses for
improvement in quality of vision. A new treatment
for keratoconus increases collagen crosslinking by
applying a one-time-only topical dose of riboflavin
drops to the cornea and exposing the cornea to a low
amount of ultraviolet A (UVA) light.