Epi-LASIK is a refractive surgery technique designed to reduce a person's dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses.Epilasik is a new technique similar to LASEK that uses an epi-keratome (rather than a trephine blade and alcohol), to remove the top layer of the epithelium (usually with thickness of 50 micrometres), which is subsequently replaced. For some people it can provide better results than regular LASEK in that it avoids the possibility of negative effects from the alcohol, and recovery may involve less discomfort.

For many people, laser treatment can mean new freedom:-
  • freedom to change the way the world sees you
  • freedom from the time-consuming, day-to-day hassle of glasses or contact lenses
  • freedom to play sports without the inconvenience of glasses or contact lenses
  • freedom to go on holiday and to work without worrying about your eyesight
  • freedom to wake up during the night and see clearly